SIS Construction Frenzy

In life, Time Flies. But Nobody expected things to go that quickly. We all left for Christmas holidays being told by the school administration that there were plans to build additional changing-rooms outside the swimming pool. Of course, the disputed and controversial 5th floor renovation plan was continuing despite opposition. We all returned to school… Continue reading SIS Construction Frenzy

Team Qatar

'Team Qatar' to be released at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival in Doha. The film charts the Qatari WSDC 2008 Team through their training. Here's the trailer and the brief from the film festival organizers. Synopsis : The government of Arab emirate Qatar hired a team of recent Oxford grads to coach the country's first… Continue reading Team Qatar

Tabulator V.4.0

I've been interested in debate tabbing for a while now. After quite some experiences, both good and bad, I've built my own tabbing spreadsheet designed for Macs. It still requires insider knowledge no tabbing, no automatic generation, but it certainly makes the process easier. You can get more information of it's current state at :… Continue reading Tabulator V.4.0

5 Lessons from Mock Exams

Mock Exams are finally over. Everyone is taking a short break. But one must learn from the past to improve in the future. Here's 5 lessons from the 2009 December Mock Exam. The moment you walk into the hall, you are under exam conditions. No communication, even to invigilators. Remember that the chairs are a… Continue reading 5 Lessons from Mock Exams

ESF Costs

Adapted from ViewPoint editorial in The Standard dated 8th December 2009 Children of the sandwich class can forget ESF Kent Ewing Tuesday, December 08, 2009 The recent announcement that the English Schools Foundation plans to impose a HK$25,000 building levy on every child entering an ESF school sounds a death knell for many middle-class parents… Continue reading ESF Costs

Principal Interviews

Mr. Wray, who joined SIS over 8 years ago, dropped a bombshell earlier this academic year when he announced his decision to leave SIS at the end of the year. Although students weren’t informed until September, the school has known for a while and had already begun advertising for a new school principal. As with… Continue reading Principal Interviews

5th Floor Renovation Design Release [UPDATE]

Shortly after my previous post regarding the ambiguous and very internal decision-making process on the 5th Floor Atrium project, the school took a rather drastic move. Whilst not implying any correlation, here's what I wrote on Friday last week : Now, the school finally has had the guts to show everyone the design, of what… Continue reading 5th Floor Renovation Design Release [UPDATE]