International Debate Academy Solvenia 2011 [MOTIONS]

Motions used at the 2011 International Debate Academy Solvenia. (See and

Practice Motions:
THBT it is the states’ obligation to finance art.
THBT every countries’ educational system should focus on the teaching of English.
THW Allow Abortion Only In the Case of Both Parents’ Consent
THBT the European experiment has failed
THB the Media in Western Liberal Democracies is Not Independent and Free
THW give every citizen a positive and a negative vote at elections
THS the implementation of a global ‘Robin Hood’ tax
TH regrets the non-democratially appointed leaders of Greece and Italy.
THBT the EU should condition Serbian membership on recognition of gay rights.
THBT newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections

Tournament Motions
R1: THBT the media should show the true horror of war
R2: TH approves of hacktivism against misbehaving corporations
R3: THW give transnational EU citizenship to the Roma
R4: THBT there will be no peace in the Middle East without an independent Palestine
R5: THBT war criminals should be put on trial in their home countries
R6: THBT states should guarantee legally enforceable socio-economic rights
QF: THBT Greece should go bankrupt
SF: THBT companies should be held liable in their home countries for environmental damage in other countries
GF: THBT the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography
